
INSTRUCTOR: Chris Andrews

DATE(S): Saturdays, Starting April 16, 2022

TIME: Starting at 10:00AM

LOCATION: Scottsville Pavillion, 125 Fleet Street

COST: $5 per class

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Join us outside for an energizing and grounding QiGong class with the founder of Chi Uni, Chris Andrews. Using our breath, movement and meditation we will activate the energy in our bodies and connect with the healing energy of the earth. It is simple, relaxing and fun. All ages and abilities welcome!

MATERIALS TO BRING: Shoes and clothes that allow you to move comfortably

INSTRUCTOR BIO: In 2016, Chris walked across the United States to explore solutions for a disconnected world. Today, he teaches about the deep connection that can be found through developing an awareness of the life force (chi) that animates all things. Through physical movement and breath, he guides his students to greater states of clarity, peace and joy. He has spoken at schools and TedX events around the world and is a Certified Holden Qi Gong Teacher.

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